To successfully share risk with organizations like CMS and payers, ACOs require solutions to understand and manage their budgets. The first step in this multifaceted process of managing an ACO is acquiring, validating and understanding the budget and the data used to build it.
In order to successfully manage risk, ACO's need to align providers with the objectives of the ACO. This includes utilization, in-network referral and quality management objectives.
Migration to value-based and shared financial risk payment structures have predicated a need for ACOs to proactively monitor members. hMetrix offers a set of standard tools to help ACOs with monitoring activities. These standard tools can be enhanced to offer a more customized solution based on an ACO's specific need.
Proactive care coordination and patient management strategies are a critical component of next-generation ACOs. Smart analytics and results oriented tools can help ACOs improve care and reduce costs. ACOs need to have a comprehensive strategy that covers all aspects of care including acute care, post-acute care and home health management that are implemented with proper protocols, technology, training and delivery.